Youth Services
Young Parents Supports Program
IFYS’s Young Parents Support Program (YPSP) supports young mums and dads on the Sunshine Coast, up to 25 years of age, through their pregnancy, and in raising their children, up until their children turn 5.
YPSP offers some outreach support and group programs tailored to the needs of young pregnant and parenting families. YPSP provides a safe space for families to engage in activities that strengthen their capability to parent, to build social networks, and to access information and support in their community.
Groups connect participants with other young parents to create strong, aligned connections as well as allow specialist services and community agencies to present information and share wisdom on relevant topics such as relationships, budgeting, life/family/parenting skills. Morning Tea and a healthy lunch is provided and we encourage parents to relax and enjoy a meal together. Families are supported to identify and work towards goals that aim to assist participants to reach their full potential. YPSP is an inclusive, non-judgemental and safe space for young parents to be themselves and form social and community connections.
Contact or (07) 5438 3000 and ask to speak with the Young Parents Support Program Team, for information about eligibility and referrals.
Youth Transition
IFYS’s Youth Transition Services (YTS) support young people aged 12-24 years. Support, advocacy and practical assistance, is offered through the following service delivery under the program of YTS:
Youth Engagement and Linkage Service
The Youth Engagement and Linkage Service (YELS) provides support and outreach, working on a one-on-one basis with young people and in group settings across the Sunshine Coast. YELS supports young people from 12 - 21 years old who are engaging in high-risk behaviours, and those who are disconnected or at risk of disconnecting from family, school or their community. The Program provides case management, advice and advocacy and assists young people to make connections with local services.
Contact or (07) 5438 3000 and ask to speak with the Youth Transitions Services Team, for information about eligibility and referrals.
Beyond Expectations
Beyond Expectations provides case management to young people aged 15-19 and is primarily focused around supporting young people to reach their employment and/or training goals. Young people are also able to complete a variety of training modules in order to gain skills, knowledge and confidence to obtain employment.
Contact or (07) 5438 3000 and ask to speak with the Youth Transitions Services Team, for information about eligibility and referrals.
Fresh Start
Fresh Start provides case management to young people aged 15-24 and is primarily focused around supporting young people to reach their employment and/or training goals. Young people are also able to complete a variety of training modules in order to increase their skills, knowledge and confidence. This program looks to work with young people whose behaviours, needs or environments, may see them engaged with or at risk of engagement with Queensland Police, Youth Justice or Community Corrections.
The Reconnect program, working with schools in the Caloundra Electorate, assists young people to remain at school, connected to their families and community and to address the risk of homelessness occurring. The program provides advice and advocacy, assists young people to make connections with local services and can offer more intensive support and family mediation if required. The program works with young people aged 12-18 who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.